Friday, June 10, 2011

Zhang Da, The Story of a Child Model of Chinese Affairs

A child in China on January 27, 2006 received high awards from the government because otherwise have done "Extraordinary Actions". Among the nine recipients of the award, he was the only child who was elected from the 1.4 billion Chinese population.

What makes it remarkable is considered it turns out was the attention and devotion to his father, always working hard and never give up, and the behavior and words that cause a sense of sympathy.
Since he was 10 years (in 2001) the child is abandoned by his mother who had had enough of living with her ​​husband who was seriously ill and poor. And since that day Zhang Da live with a father who can not work, can not walk, and sickly.

These conditions forced an inexperienced kid who was not even 10 years to take a very heavy responsibility. He had to school, he must find food for his father and himself, he also must think about drugs that are definitely not cheap for him. In conditions like these incredible story begins Zhang Da.

He is still too young to carry the responsibility of the hard and bitter. He is one of the many children who must accept the bitter reality of life in this world. But what makes Zhang Da different is that he did not give up.  
Life must go on, but not with a crime, but continue to take responsibility for his life and his father. Similarly, Zhang Da-expression when faced with government delegates who want to know what he was doing.

He began a new chapter in his life by continuing to attend school. From home to school must walk through a small forest. On the way to and from school was, he began to eat leaves, seeds and fruits which he encountered.   

Sometimes he finds a kind of fungus, or grass, and he tried to eat it. From dabbling to eat it all, he knows where that can still be tolerated by the tongue and which he could not eat.

After hours home from school at noon and late afternoon, he was joined by some masons to cut large stones and earned wages from the job. The work of a mason he used to buy rice and medicine for his father.

Living like this he lived for 5 years but his body stays healthy, fresh and strong. Zhang Da caring for the sick his father since age 10, he started the responsibility to care for her daddy.

He carried his father to the toilet, he wiped and occasionally bathe her daddy, he bought the rice and make porridge, and all the affairs of his father, all he's done with a sense of responsibility and love. All this work into the daily responsibilities.

Zhang Da inject his own daddy. Drugs are expensive and far away places to make medical treatment Zhang Da thinking to find the best way to overcome all this. From the age of ten years he began to learn about drugs through a used book that he bought.

What makes it remarkable is that he learned how a nurse to give injection / injection topatient . Once he feels able, he dared to inject his own daddy. Now inject his father had done the job for about five years, Zhang Da already skilled and expert inject.

When the eyes of officials, businessmen, artists and famous people who attended the awards ceremony is being turned to Zhang Da, host (MC) asked him,
"Zhang Da, call it what you want, the school where, and what you miss to happen in your life? How much money do you need until you finish college?

Grow up going to college where, you name it. Just what you call it desire, here there are many officials, businessmen and famous people in attendance.

Currently, there are also hundreds of millions of people who are looking at you through the television screen, they can help you! "

Zhang Da was silent and not answer anything. MC also said again to him, "Say it, they can help you. "

A few minutes of Zhang Da is still silent, then in a trembling voice he replied,

     "I want mommy back. Mama returned to the house, I can help Dad, I can get something to for my own self, Mama's back!"

All who attended had spontaneous tears with emotion. No one thought of what comes out of his mouth. Why did he not ask the ease for the treatment of his father, why he did not ask for a deposit sufficient to alleviate his life and little provision for their future?

Why he did not ask for a small house near the hospital? Why did not he ask for a card for the convenience of the government when he needed, surely all would help.

Maybe what he was asking, is the main one for himself. I want Mama again, a phrase which may have dipendamnya since when he saw his mother left him and his father.

The story above is not only touching but also cause admiration. A 10-year-old child can run a heavy responsibility for 5 years. The difficulty of forging the child's life has become a formidable figure of a child and never give up.

Zhang Da arguably rare because it is very different from modern children. Today many children everything is always facilitated by their parents. For reasons unfortunately, parents are always helping his son, even though the child is able to do so. 

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