Wednesday, June 22, 2011

My name Selamet Bagio

His face reminds me of the late Bokir, from Betawi comedian who used to often appear on the show lenong on TVRI. Likewise, his skinny body. Very similar. He always worked in silence. Not much to say and do not ask for attention. Sometimes me and my colleagues in the office forgot that he was among us.

His name Selamet Bagio. Gardeners in the office of Rolling Stone magazine. In the courtyard behind the office area of ​​the page there are three thousand square meters. There is a large stage that stands firmly in the corner of the page. That's where a number of musicians and the band never performed. Among others, God Bless, Greenhouse Effect, Naif, Andy Lau and his friends, Koes Plus, Nidji, Samson, Ahmad Dani, Glen Fredly, Endah & Reza, and much more.

But that's not what I want to tell. Because if you ever come to the musical events held at the offices of Rolling Stone's backyard, you will feel something different. In the yard was filled with various plants and trees. Beautiful and wonderful. All that ever came always praised. Like in Bali.

From behind the window of the workspace on the second floor, I could freely see Bagio work. With a uniform gray typical, plus rubber boots, every morning until the afternoon Bagio look busy. Somehow, seeing Bagio work, my spirits always rise. Spread the positive energy that he was deeply felt.

Therefore, as a ritual, before starting work I always spend a few minutes to observe Bagio at work. At first I always wondered who the real man aged about 35 years? Why he was always enthusiastic about work? Is not he "only" the gardener?

Observing Bagio worked in silence, makes me think of a movie. I forgot the title. The film is about a girl who works at a giant company. Her job just deliver letters and documents from one table to another table in the office. Frenzied atmosphere of the office. But no one cares for her presence. What is the importance of the role of a mail carrier? She is between being and not. In the crowd, she was lonely.

Until one day, the whole office panicked. Letters and documents are not distributed. Everyone that day dizzy. Their work is so messy. At the moment it all felt something was wrong: the regular girl on duty took the letters did not come to work. Only then are all aware how important the role of the girl. But it was too late. The girl who feels lonely because "not considered" in the office, had committed suicide because of depression.

Indeed excessive, Bagio equate with the girl in the film. But the movie taught me that everyone in a company have an important role. No matter no matter how small his role. No matter how he "only" office boy or a cleaning service. All have an important role.

Because it also was not because I was afraid Bagio suicide if I often took time to come and say hello to this man smiling. I always could not help but thank him for his work is beautiful. Without him, the back page of Rolling Stone's office will not be as beautiful now.

Deeply felt how Bagio so passionate and enthusiastic when told about the plant. Asked one question, he's already answered a thousand. From his tone and his eyes lit up, I could immediately feel how Bagio proud and loves his work. Therefore, from conversations with Bagio, I am the one who always get the benefit. Conversing with Bagio always make my spirit grow again.

But, what about the views of his wife and family in the profession of a gardener? "At first my wife was embarrassed. We lived in the complex housing an average of the husbands worked in an office, "said Bagio. "But now she's not shy anymore. I've explained that I am happy and proud to be a gardener, "he added. Then how the views of children? "My son was one, but it was dead. Until now I have not blessed with children again. "

His passion on the job, its honest and positive outlook, making Bagio special in my eyes. Moreover, he always appear confident. One day, the company held a halal bihalal in the office. All employees gather for lunch together. At that point, I asked Bagio "speech". Without the awkward, in front of all employees, Bagio began speaking. Its contents, in my opinion, incredible.

In simple language he says grateful for his life. Grateful for the work God has given him. He admits he loves his job imprisoned. He even openly said that if human life is only chasing a salary, then he will never be satisfied. "If the goal is only chasing a salary, will never be enough. We can be frustrating, "he said of laughter greeted the whole office. The words seemed to insinuate Bagio us all. Including me.

In the course of my work, I often feel not satisfied with the salary that the company provides. Likewise, in the course of a career. I often feel "nothing" when reading the success stories of world figures and leaders of Indonesia. I sometimes envy the young people who are successful in office, employment, and wealth. They were successful in such a young age. That day speech Bagio strikes my heart.

On one occasion, when I chatted with him in the backyard, unstoppable desire Bagio me to ask if he's really happy working as a gardener? "I am happy, Mr. Andy. I am grateful to be working as a gardener. Especially if my work appreciated, "he said with a smile.

When I saw his face still full of question marks, he then laughed. "My name is Selamet Bagiyo. My life has been safe and happy, "he said trying to convince me. 

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