Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Invisible Power

The power that is not seen night was so dark. Visibility was only two meters. In the midst of darkness that our bodies adrift in the pounding waves as high as three meters. Body shivering. Strong winds exacerbate the situation. Pierced the skin like thousands of stems of ice. Hours in the hands of 1:45 o'clock dawn.

It's been seven hours we floated helplessly pushed around waves. All was silent. Occasional complaints quietly ejected. Sea water is salty slapping our faces and began stinging in the eyes. Throat feels dry. His lips began to turn blue. ''Do not fall asleep! Do not fall asleep!''There was a shout of power loss. Sound forced. Alternately, remind each other.

Days seemed very long. Since six o'clock nine of us already floating in the Pacific Ocean, at Paradise Bay, Papua. Occasionally our eyes stared at each other. Exhaustion and despair. All this happened because we ignored the warning fishermen who asked us to leave the bay before five o'clock. Passing from it, according to them, will enlarge and dangerous waves. Wisdom of our traditional fishermen opponent with arrogance.
We ignore the warning. We joke about. I remember it well, in 1977. I was sitting in class one STM Jayapura District. At that time students majoring in machine initiated the event a cruise to Paradise Bay whose beauty we can see through top on Skyland Mountain Ifar. That's where we went by boat fishermen. Traditional boat was about five feet in length with a width of one meter. On the left and right there is a balancing pole that we call the employer-employer.
At the stern mounted outboard motor brands Jhonson. All day we spent on the white sandy Gulf Cenderawasih. From morning until evening. Under the agreement, the owner of the boat is only willing to wait until four o'clock in the afternoon. Moreover, they said, the waves would swell and hinder us to go back to the beach Hamadi, Jayapura, where we went. There are about four traditional boats that we rent. Towards four o'clock, three boats returned to the mainland Jayapura transporting students and teachers. While one boat waiting for us, seven male and two female students, who remain engrossed in play sand on a sloping beach.
Time and again we remind boat owners to leave the bay, but many times we do not care. We just laughed, chuckled tekekeh look on his face boat owners who persuaded us to immediately leave the bay. He worried the waves began to swell. Through five hours we finally left the bay. But, too late. New half-hour across the sea, waves trigger the dreaded facing. No more than ten minutes our boat mounting the waves pushed around.
Efforts to drain the water into the boat in vain. The boat then sank and floated like a coconut husk. So that the boat can stay afloat, all the passengers jumped into the sea. We then get by with bepegangan on the sides of the boat. In order to keep the ship afloat, behind the outboard motor had to be removed and the boat lost at sea a blue suit. Our luggage, backpacks, shoes, also had lost direlakan brought current.
Just who is tired may rest for a while on the boat is still floating. For if all the force a boat ride, the boat will sink. In the first hour we still have enough energy to scream if passed by a passing fishing boat. But the weather is getting dark make our efforts futile. Our presence is not visible even though only a passing motor boat about 12 yards from our boat. Not to mention the sound of passing motor boat engine as if to swallow our screams. Toward morning we are exhausted and almost asleep waves struck very hard. "Watch out now! Beware of rocks!''Cry it makes the heart froze.
We soon realized the danger waiting in a very close distance. Large waves are being herded us on the rocky hill. With the remnants of our energy trying to push the boat toward the ocean again. If you let the boat follow the flow of waves toward the reef, the same as suicide. Unimaginable our helpless body was slammed on hard corals. When it is imagined only death. After struggling for almost an hour, we managed to push the boat toward the ocean.
Moving away from the mainland reef. There is relief. But the fatigue is getting worse. One of us almost despair and let herself drift away from the boat. Most encouraging, but more of a scold. It is feared that if one of us give up, will affect the morale of others. Towards maahari we see the land of white rose in the distance.
Our spirit rose again. As if on backup power, we pushed the boat toward shore. Around 8.00 am we were already lying on the beach and fell asleep. 12 noon each one awake. Tired and hungry. We were fortunate residents stranded in coconut gardens. Coincidence that afternoon the owner was coming to see her garden. Then the meat and coconut water become our breakfast and lunch time. While in each parent's house we were rushing to do a search with the police.
Until recently I was always grateful for the event. I bersukur God has shown its power to save our wonderful evening. Since then my faith grew stronger and believe that there is incredible power beyond our power. The powers not seen but felt. So, when Andy raised the topic''Kick Escaped Death'', I would like anyone who watched the episode will realize that superior power.
The power that is felt when Sigit Suciptoyono escaped death when the host Singapore Airlines plane taking off and burn failed at Taipei Airport, Taiwan. Likewise, when the doctor Carolus Yuliana Louis and 13 colleagues adrift for 14 days in the Arafura sea before being discovered by a passing fishing boat.
In desperation, only rainwater to drink, they still believe there will be a power that will preserve and save them. That's what makes them able to survive until finally discovered. What about Amelia, a young mother, the risking of lives when having to give birth at the time of big floods hit his village in Aceh Tamiang? For some people see the events experienced by Amelia merely coincidental. A woman, who was about to give birth, the membranes have ruptured condition, was forced to delay the birth day and night because of flooding.
But when I hear a statement by a doctor who also appeared on Kick Andy then, what happened to Amelia is a miracle beyond the reasoning of medical science. Amelia and her baby should not be saved. Therefore, I am reminded of Sigit Suciptoyono answer when I asked what he believed was rescued from a plane tragedy that killed 79 passengers. According to Sigit, prayer and keiklasan mother who saved her life. While doctors believe prayer Carolus boy and his family are the main factors that saved him. While prayer is believed to be Amelia's husband which allowed him to breathe until this moment. The power of prayer, submission, keiklasan, and faith is the answer. I believe beyond our power as human beings, there is incredible power that will keep us. The power which is not visible but felt. 

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