Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Experience Four Seasons on the Great Ocean Road

By Olenka Priyadarsani

Great Ocean Road is probably the most special way in the state of Victoria, Australia. Range 45 m-high rock called Twelve Apostles stood off the coast of Port Campbell National Park and often the last stop point of the journey across the Great Ocean Road that links between Torquay and Warnambool along 243 km.

For me, the most interesting part of the Great Ocean Road is how I feel like having four seasons in one trip. Weather Victoria who likes to go around changing the add my impression.
Together with a friend, I go in the morning by car. From downtown Melbourne, where I lived at that time, we headed southeast towards Geelong. From Geelong, we head to Torquay, a small town which officially became the beginning of the Great Ocean Road. In addition to smooth, this road offers magnificent views.

In Torquay, we enjoy the beautiful blue beaches, which is the plural views when crossing this road. Coastal road between Torquay, Lorne to Apollo Bay presents extraordinary beauty. Apollo Bay is a small town located in a bay. This place has now become one of the destinations, although probably still less with the neighboring city, Lorne.

In Apollo Bay, we stopped for a moment to unwind and enjoy lunch. It was the month of February, still summer in Australia. The sun shone hot and I saw lots of people surfing. There is also a line of shops selling surfing equipment as well as providing courses.

The journey continues, and this time do not cross the street edge of the beach. Precisely this part that makes me very impressed. Solar heat is lost is replaced by a hanging cloud, then we are through the rain forest with a variety of tumbuhannya. The sky was covered with thick foliage of large trees on the right side and left side of the road.

If you want to explore more natural in Australia, at Cape Otways, not far from Apollo Bay you can join to make bushwalking - walking across the forest.

Heavy rains flushed, so we had to stop the car for a moment at the edge of the forest. Weather was hot rain drenched with water, trees shed leaves. As autumn is coming too fast.

Because of the pouring rain only briefly, when we cross the pastures, live drizzle that greeted the point. The smell of wet earth and grass to create an atmosphere similar to the spring. We stopped briefly to see the cows that are left abandoned in a vast meadow. The view is of course difficult to be found in Indonesia, mostly livestock animals are left in the cage and only occasional shepherd.
After going through the Princeton, we went back down the coast until he reached the main objectives, namely Twelve Apostles in Port Campbell National Park.

Twelve Apostles
Made of high coral limestone formation lined magnificent. Although called the Twelve Apostles - or 12 apostles - in fact the amount of rock that still stands today just eight. Twelve Apostles is the natural scenery in Australia's most frequently photographed. The rocks are formed from the erosion of the ocean waves hit. At first big rock eroded bit by bit to form caves and cliffs which over time eroded to form the pillars of limestone that is very high up to 45 m.
Due to the harsh blow of sea water, some of the pillars collapsed. However, due to strong erosion, there is the possibility of cliffs overlooking the ocean will form a new pillar in the future.
The best time across the Great Ocean Road
Spring is in the month of August to October may be the most appropriate time to visit Australia in the south, including through the Great Ocean Road. Here is a subtropical climate. In the winter, although the relative temperature not too cold (only around 4 degrees Celsius), wind from the direction of the poles will penetrate to the bone.
Meanwhile in Victoria in the summer, temperatures can reach over 40 degrees Celsius in the daytime. You may feel uncomfortable with the temperature is too high. In the spring, in addition to the appropriate air temperature, some will be more beautiful panorama. You will be able to see the grass started greening in the journey.
The distance between Melbourne to the Twelve Apostles is often the last stop for a long time, up to 5 hours of travel. It is better you stay at least overnight for convenience panorama of Victoria in Australia. Come on holiday to the Land of Kangaroos!


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