Thursday, June 2, 2011

10 Signs and Causes Destruction of Earth

Along with the rapid advancement of age and the increasing age of the earth, many experts argue that this earth can not be categorized into a planet that is still healthy, the cause is perceived by some to be determinant factors that change the status of the earth become unhealthy.Here are ten categories which states that the earth is not healthy:

1. Melting of ice in the Arctic (North Pole)
A recent study estimates that could melt the Arctic waters and is free of summer ice at least 30 years sooner than previous estimates.Melting of ice in the Arctic this could strengthen the trend of global warming and endanger the occupants own the North Pole, from humans to polar bears.

2. The collapse of Antarctic ice sheet (Antarctica)
Wilkins is one of nine Antarctic ice sheet has receded or collapsed in recent decades. The layer of ice that fell the most dramatic is the Larsen A and B, which collapsed suddenly in 1995 and 2002.

3. The hole in the ozone layer
Earth's ozone layer protects the occupants by absorbing the harmful ultraviolet rays. But much use of chemicals and pollutants can make a big hole in the ozone layer. It takes time to tens of years to restore the ozone layer as before.

4. The spread of marine dead zones
Zone of the Dead Sea is the sea bag in which the oxygen runs out so many fish, shellfish and other spesien that can not survive, as there is in the Gulf of Mexico.This zone is formed when fertilizer runoff from the river and make a lot of algae (marine plants that produce oxygen) die and decompose.

5. Crisis sea corals
Coral reefs are important marine habitats for many marine species. But the last few decades, many coral reefs are in crisis due to overfishing, marine pollution, diseases, warming and ocean acidification.Ocean waters become more acidic because it absorbs carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. That is, the more air pollution, more acidic ocean water.

6. Deforestation
Areas of rain, especially rain forests are the main areas of biodiversity, forests absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen. But the rate of global deforestation could reach about 32 million hectares per year.In addition, the drought caused by global warming could worsen the situation of forests in some areas.

7. Water Pollution
Two thirds of planet Earth is covered with surface water. When water is polluted, of course, can lead to living things on earth can not live. The impact of global warming are also changing the pattern of availability of water for drinking and agriculture.

8. Buildup of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere
Carbon dioxide and other heat trapping gases are pollutants that can increase greenhouse gas emissions. Number of factory and vehicle emissions will increase the amount of greenhouse gas emissions.

9. Endangered Animals
When habitat change and threatened, the animals in it are also under pressure. 2008 Red List of endangered species published by the World Conservation Union identified the almost 45,000 species threatened with extinction.

10. The rapid rate of population growth
In 2007, world population exceeds 6 billion. That year also marked the first time in history more people live in urban rather than rural areas. Six billion people continue to compete for survival with natural resources are limited, such as water, food and fuel.

Life on earth in terms of good and bad depending on what is done by the man himself who live in it, managing the earth should have become our responsibility as khalifahnya this earth.


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